みんクロ - みんなのクロスワード

by Xranker



You can play with crosswords made by others, create your own crosswords and post them for everyone to play.Please try to make a crossword once. Its surprisingly fun, difficult, and uses your head. I think that creating a problem is more brain training than solving it.■ How to solve the crossword1. Read the hint sentence called the key, and enter the analogous word straight to the right (horizontal key) or down (vertical key) from the square of the key number.2. Write everything in katakana3. Write small letters (tsu, ya, yu, yo, etc.) in large letters (tsu, ya, yu, yo, etc.)4. It is clear if you fill in all the squares with the correct letters (some questions are clear if you fill only the answer squares)■ Easy to read with large lettersIt is designed with large letters so that even those who have difficulty reading small letters can easily play.■ With assist functionProblems written as [Assist] in the problem are "assisted". For problems with assist, the wrong part is displayed in red, so■ Evaluation of crosswordsYou can grade a question by answering a question created by someone else. Please rate how much you enjoyed the question and how difficult it was.If the evaluation is high, it will be displayed at the top of the ranking.■ How to create a problemI think that there are various ways to make it depending on the person, but I will introduce a method that I think is relatively easy.1. The smaller the board, the easier it is to make. 3 × 3 can be completed immediately2. Since it is difficult to combine long words, place a large number of "black squares" so that all words have an appropriate length. If you keep everything to 3 or 4 letters, it wont be too difficult.3. Fill in the remaining white squares with words.4. When all the squares are filled, edit the text of the key from "Edit Key"5. Finally, in "Problem setting", set the problem title, answer squares, and difficulty level (you do not have to set the answer squares).Please post it when youre done.There is a creation support function, so please refer to it when you cant come up with a word.[Word search] You can search for words that meet the conditions when creating a question[Cross search] You can search for words by considering both vertical and horizontal strings.We will continue to post more and more problems from now on, so please play by all means.